AML/CFT Masterclass

31 March 2021

A masterclass on AML/CFT was conducted for the first time on 31st March virtually. The event was attended by 165 paid participants and 13 senior officers from BNM. Tuan Nik Din from the MSBR department of BNM delivered the opening remarks. The first session was conducted by Mr. S. Balachandar (Asst. VP & Head of Internal Controls NIUM) from Chennai, India who spoke on the Rudiments of AML/CFT Compliance and the second speaker Dr. Olivia Tan (Director of Technology Transfer Office, Multimedia University Malaysia) spoke on Cyber Security: AML/CFT Perspective). The event was moderated by Ms Su Lin, Head of GOCO and closing remarks were given at the end by Dato’ Sri Jajakhan Kader Gani, President of MAMSB.